Founded in Venice in 2011, Microclima is a research-driven programme that focuses on the natural world, cultural heritage and the public sphere. It is housed in the Serra dei Giardini, a greenhouse built in 1894 for the Biennale to preserve the exotic plants that decorated the first International Exhibitions of Art. Microclima has also branches in Guwahati (India), Santiago (Cuba), Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia) and events in various spots.
MICROCLIMA (translation of Microclimate) is the set of particular conditions that occur in a limited area. Born in the Serra dei Giardini, the Microclima expands in other places, where the methods of approach do not change. Through experimental synergies and actions generated by professionals and amateurs of all kinds, Microclima seeks to stimulate the interest of the discovery, or rediscovery, of a delimited area and its social, symbolic and cultural aspects that characterize it as such.
MICROCLIMA was born from the impulse to give the Serra a new function that underlines its historical importance, its symbolic value and its potential in the social fabric. It is therefore a project aimed at integrating artistic programming with the host physical space through the elaboration and experimentation of new communication codes for the fruition of cultural heritage.
Inside and beyond the structure of the Serra, Microclima opens up to independent and anarchist experiments, favoring approaches in which self-training, underrated realities and ambiguous epistemologies are welcome. Microclima collaborates with amateurs and professionals of every field, considering them above all in their role as researchers and critical thinkers, investigating the relationship between art, nature and socio-cultural relationships.
MICROCLIMA is based at the Serra dei Giardini, from which it is at the same time independent. The project has expanded, with both temporary and continuous interventions, even outside the Venetian and national borders. In 2011 MICROCLIMA started the Guwahati Research Program in Assam, India and between 2014 and 2015 it developed the artistic residence Los Caminos del Café in Santiago de Cuba. in 2015 Paolo Rosso, artistic director of MICROCLIMA, started a third international research project, RedHero, based in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
MICROCLIMA is a self-funded project. The major proceeds come through the collateral exhibitions of the Biennale, which the Serra often welcomes, and from private sponsors connected to different activities. Most of the MICROCLIMA projects were also realized thanks to the time and commitment that friends and colleagues have dedicated to us.